Sunday, February 23, 2020

Analyze the business environment of China Essay

Analyze the business environment of China - Essay Example However, even if only economic considerations are used, we can see that economic trends justify investment in China. As indicated by Figure 1, which is a graph of year-on-year growth on every quarter of the year from 2006 to 2010 latest figures, the real economy of China has been growing within the neighborhood of 10% per annum during the last 4 years. It can be deduced from Figure 1 that the source of Chinese economic growth is mainly internal rather than external. The contribution of net exports in the last four years was from about negative to about half of real growth. However, even in periods where net exports have been decreasing at a high 10%, Chinese economic growth has continued to be in the neighborhood of 10%, confirming that growth is largely internally driven rather than driven by exports. Looking at figure 2, we also see that despite the uncertainties and threat of a global crisis in 2009 arising from the crisis in the United States originating from its sub-prime housing market, real economic growth in China has remained respectable at around 5 or 6%. External conditions, especially US economic conditions, can affect China but based on the US crisis years of 2008, 2009, and 2010, the effect will not be of a magnitude that will drive Chinese economic growth into the negative territory. The real economic growth from 2001 to 2010 is likely over and above the Chinese annual population growth, implying that with the economic growth; the quality of life in China is more likely improving. Or, at least, the growth figures are of the type that has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for many of the people of China. Figure 2 is also showing that China has ceased to be an agricultural country. First, growth figures are higher in industry and services sectors rather than agriculture. Second, growth in the agricultural sector

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Early civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Early civilization - Essay Example Today, people try hard to adopt the civilized ways some knowingly and others take part in it without the knowledge; largely, this is because of the different cultures and environmental settings that come with the ‘new generation’ where people inherit behavior and traits as part of culture. During civilization, nomadic writing was about how dissimilar aspects interact and change affecting people to become prospectus writers; this involved people using text to communicate about things and situations of their lives. Today, people are involved more in nomadic writing than oral as facilitated by the vast technology advancements; typically, people communicate more through messaging and other facets of the social media. Nonetheless, today’s relations do not necessarily fit the utter definition and characteristics of nomadic writing but the relations and mode of communication adds it all up. During civilization, the male gender dominated the women as they all significant and respected roles in the society; moreover, women felt unmindful and helpless before their suppression to men. The key aspect here was that the men were the head and most substantial in the community. Over the years, there have been changes in the male and female statuses with women making remarkable contributions to the growth of the society by working harder in all aspects and dominating some of the men i.e. education, careers etc. Nonetheless, despite the effort, men are still representing in high-level situations; for instance, the presidency and prime ministers seats in most of the nations have men sitting on them. Reflectively, before development, people used to clothe in a very different way based on the gender; assertively, men used to wear shorts or briefs alone, and women tops and under-garments too (all of the clothes made from animal skin). This mode of clothing was there to ensure that people covered the essential parts of the body, and during