Friday, December 27, 2019

scope limitation - 1048 Words

SCOPE, LIMITATIONS, and DELIMITATIONS By Marilyn K. Simon and Jim Goes Includes excerpts from Simon Goes (2013), Dissertation and Scholarly Research: Recipes for Success. Seattle, WA: Dissertation Success LLC Find this and many other dissertation guides and resources at Scope The scope of the study refers to the parameters under which the study will be operating. The problem you seek to resolve will fit within certain parameters. Think of the scope as the domain of your research—what’s in the domain, and what is not. You need to make it as clear as possible what you will be studying and what factors are within the accepted range of your study. For example, if you are studying the ill effects of†¦show more content†¦Thus, we may not know whether the findings will generalize to other people, situations, or conceptualizations of the variables. Within particular bounds, significant findings from an experimental study may infer a general cause, but the presence of other unmeasured variables can limit that inference. Limitations of Survey Instruments Surveys that are distributed with time constraints were noted by Delva, Kirby, Knapper, and Birtwhistle (2002) as problematic in that people who struggle with real or perceived time constraints are less likely to respond to surveys because these possible respondents feel overworked – they just do not have the time to complete the survey. Surveys often also suffer the limitation of forcing respondents into particular response categories, thereby limiting the range of responses. Unlike an interview, where respondents can ask clarifying questions, respondents are usually limited to the text in the survey itself for direction about how to complete it and where to respond. Delimitations The delimitations of a study are those characteristics that arise from limitations in the scope of the study (defining the boundaries) and by the conscious exclusionary and inclusionary decisions made during the development of the study plan. Unlike limitations, which flow from implicit characteristics of method and design, delimitations result from specific choices by the researcher. Among these are the choice of objectives andShow MoreRelatedScope And Limitation2224 Words   |  9 Pagestoo increases. Slow retrieval of data: the information of student and details are stored in different parts of the site and so takes a long time to retrieve the data. It takes a long time to find the information about a relevant person. 1.2. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Resolving Ethical Dilemmas - 767 Words

Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Calvin L Harris Jr. ETH 316 15 November 2012 Marlon Spencer Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Ethical issues are inevitable because we live in a world of diversity. Diversity brings many beliefs, attitudes and personalities. As a result, ethical issues are common. They come in many shapes, sizes, and favors. Even though ethical issues cannot be prevented, ethical issues can be resolved because sound decisions can by considering ethical lenses to address and resolve ethically issues. For instance, the ethics game simulation presented two common ethical issues. The first involved determining whether to use information obtained by one employee to discipline another employee for violating the NDA†¦show more content†¦According to this view, an ethical action is one where the act creates the greatest good for the greatest number. On the other hand the rights/responsibilities lens focus on duty. According to this view, an ethical action is doing one’s duty and following ethical standards of action. The relationship Lens focuses on the processes or systems needed for an ethical organization. According to this view, an ethical action is one that will sustain integrity-building environments. The reputation lens, on the other hand, focus on character. According to this view, an ethical action is one that is consistent with a good character. Both the relationship lens and the reputation lens have the individual as the primary concern. These lenses had a great influence on my decisions because they helped me to analyze the situation from different viewpoints to determine the best course of action. For instance, the rights/responsibilities lens help me to identify my obligations, whereas the results lens help me to see the impact of my decision on each stakeholder and the criteria for each stakeholder‘s happiness. Moreover, the relationship lens helped me to see that the basic liberties of all people must be protected and the reputation lens help me to see the virtues that are important for leadership. These concepts can be related to any workplace. The concepts from thisShow MoreRelated1.1.Objective Evaluation Of All Available Options. According1626 Words   |  7 Pagesbears testimony to the fact that time and again large-scale disasters happened due to the lack of ethical standards of some leaders or the other. We come to know from his research that there are two approaches to handle ‘ethical dilemma’: 1) before deciding on the course of action, assess the practical consequences likely to follow and 2) whatever be the likely consequences, do what you consider ethical. The first school of thought argues that if there is no harm, there is no foul. 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Cases of ethical dilemmas affect almost every person regardless of theirRead MoreAnalysis of Leadership Ethics, by Lamar Odom 1176 Word s   |  5 Pagesthe most appropriate decision when a leader experiences a complex ethical dilemma or situation (â€Å"Professor Odom’s Book Examines Ethics in Leadership†, n.d.). The author wrote the book in order to provide insight on ethical decision-making from a practical perspective. He noticed a void in students’ and corporate executives’ understanding of the essential tenets of ethical leadership and initiatives on how to respond to basic ethical paradigms. While recognizing that the book is not a comprehensiveRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of A Family Nurse Practitioner1375 Words   |  6 PagesOn a daily basis we deal with the needs and wants of our patients, this alone provides an ethical dilemma. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Bajaj auto free essay sample

The project report entitled Strategic Management Cycle of Baja] Auto Ltd . has been submitted to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad in partial tultlllment tor the award of degree of Master of Business Administration. I the undersigned hereby eclare that this report has been completed by me under the guidance of Prof. Jignasha mam (Faculty Member, Shayona Institute of Business Management, Ahmedabad) The report is entirely the result of my own efforts and has not been submitted either in part or whole to any other institute or university for any degree. Date: Place: Ahmedabad PREFACE As it is always said that if you give some-one theory knowledge it will make person understandwell. But if you give some-one theory as well as practical knowledge then it will help the person to understand and remember that always. In the same way to get practical knowledge,the report which we prepare not only make us understand the various functions but also gives us different vision regarding them and along with it gives us experience of practical assignment and managers work. By preparing report on Analytical Study on Strategic Management Cycle of Baja] Auto Ltd. we have tried to develop skill to understand well and also how to implement theoretical knowledge work. For this we are thankful to Gujarat Technological University for including such a project as practical studies in the syllabus of M. B. A. Acknowledgement The succession completion of this report would not have been possible without co- operation and support of our professor , friends and our institute. We forward gratitude to respected director of our institute. We are heartily thankful to the management for providing us the opportunity to make a study to practical in their organization. We express our sincere thanks to the company who have given us all the information on-line. We are also thankful our professor out with whose help, this becomes possible and who provided full guidance, co-operation and valuable suggestion bout company report. We are also thankful to our college friends and all those who have helped us directly or indirectly in the preparation of this report. Executive Summary In our project we nave conducted a research on now baJaJ auto ltd works By using stretegic management their different moves.. Hence on the basis of the Information we have found out our finding and have done an in-depth analysis on Strategic Management Cycle of Baja] Auto Ltd.. It is followed by recommendations and conclusion. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . Objective of SM 2. Introduction of ABC Co. 3. History of ABC co. . Strategic Thinking i. Vision i. Mission iii. Corporate Purpose v. Values: (Standard of Conduct, Law, Employees, Consumers, Shareholders, Business Partners, Community Involvement, Public Activities, the environment, innovation, competition, business integrity etc. ) 5. Strategic Planning i. Strategy adopted by ABC Co. i. Action plan by ABC Co. iii . Responsibilities of ABC Co. CSR (Internal as well as External) iv . Michael Porters 5 Forces analysis v. McKinseys7S Model VI. SWOT Analysts of ABC co. PEST Analysts ViiiBCG MATRIX 6. Analysis of Strategies of ABC Co 7. Strategic Implementation i. Resource Allocation 7. Strategic Evaluation i . Balance Scorecar 1. OBJECTIVE OF SM . Statements of vision tend to be quite broad and can be described as a goal that represents an inspiring, overarching, and emotionally driven destination. Mission statements, on the other hand, tend to be more specific and address questions concerning the organizations reason for being and the basis of its intended competitive advantage in the marketplace. Strategic objectives are used to operationalize the mission statement. That is, they help to provide guidance on how he organization can fulfill or move toward the high goals in the goal hierarchy-the mission and vision. As a result, they tend to be more specific and cover a more well- defined time frame. Setting objectives demands a yardstick to measure the fulfillment of the objectives. If an objective lacks specificity or measurability, it is not very useful, simply because there is no way of determining whether it is helping the organization to move toward the organizations mission and vision. 2. INTRODUCTION OF BAJAJ GROUP : The Baja] Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in India. I s tootprint stretches over a wide range of industries, spanning automobiles (two-wheelers and three-wheelers), home appliances, lighting, iron and steel, insurance, travel and finance. The groups flagship company, Baja] Auto, is ranked as the worlds fourth largest two- and three- wheeler manufacturer and the Baja] brand is well-known across several countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South and South East Asia. Founded in 1926, at the height of Indias movement for independence from the British, the group has an illustrious history. The integrity, dedication, resourcefulness nd determination to succeed which are characteristic of the group today, are often traced back to its birth during those days of relentless devotion to a common cause. Jamnalal Baja], founder of the group, was a close confidant and disciple of Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, GandhiJi had adopted him as his son. This close relationship and his deep involvement in the independence movement did not leave Jamnalal Baja] with much time to spend on his newly launched business venture. His son, Kamalnayan Baja], then 27, took over the reigns of business in 1942. He too was close to Gandhi] nd it was only after Independence in 1947, that he was able to give his full attention to the business. Kamalnayan Baja] not only consolidated the group, but also diversified into various manufacturing activities. The present Chairman of the group, Rahul Baja], took charge of the business in 1965. Under his leadership, the turnover of the Baja] Auto the flagship company has gone up from INR. 72 million to INR. 120 billion, its product portfolio has expanded and the brand has found a global market. He is one of Indias most distinguished business leaders and internationally espected for his business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. 3. HlSTORY OF BAJAJ AUTO LTD Baja] Auto is a $2. 3 billion company founded in 1926. It is fourth largest two- and three-wheeler manufacturer. Baja] Auto has three plants in all, two at WaluJ and Chakan in Maharashtra and one plant at Pant Nagar in Uttaranchal. The company is into manutacturing ot motorcycles, scooters and three-wheelers. In India, Baja] Auto has a distribution network of 485 dealers and over 1,600 authorised services centres. It has 171 exclusive dealers for the three-wheeler segment . lt has total 3750 rural outlets in rural areas. The company has opened 11 retail stores for bikes across the country, exclusive for high-end and performance bikes. It has opened these stores under the name in cities like Pune, Nashik, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Navi Mumbai, Chandigarh, New Delhi, Faridabad and Mangalore. The Baja] brand is well-known across several countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South and South East Asia. It has a distribution network in 50 countries with a dominant presence in Sri Lanka, Colombia, Bangladesh, Mexico, Central America, Peru and Egypt. It has technical tie up with Kawasaki Heavvy Industries of Japan to manufacture latest models in the two-wheeler space. Baja] Auto has launched brands like Boxer, Caliber, Wind125, Pulsar and many more. It has also launched Indias first real cruiser bike, Kawasaki Baja] Eliminator. Baja] Autos has in all three plants, two at WaluJ and Chakan in Maharashtra and one plant at Pant Nagar in Uttranchal, western India. WaluJ Baja] range of motorcycles and three-wheelers Chakan Baja] range of motorcycles Pant Nagar Baja] range of motorcycles Achievement 1945- On November 29 Baja] Auto came into existence as BachraJ Trading Corporation Private Limited. 1948- The company commenced sales in India by importing two- and three-wheelers. 1959- Baja] Auto obtained the licence from the Government of India to manufacture two- and three-wheelers. 1960- The company became a public limited company and conducted Bhoomi PooJan of the Akurdi Plant. 1970- Baja] Auto rolled out its 100,000th vehicle. 971- The company introduced its three-wheeler goods carrier. 1972- The company introduced Baja] Chetak. 1975- Baja] Auto Maharashtra Scooters entered into a Joint venture. 1976- The company introduced Baja] Super. 977- Baja] Auto introduced rear engine autorickshaw and achieved production and sales of 100,000 vehicles in a single financial year. 1981- Baja] Auto launched Baja] M-50. 1984- On January 19, the foundatio n stone laid for the new plant at WaluJ, Aurangabad. 1985- On November 5, the WaluJ plant inaugurated by the erstwhile President of India, Giant Zail Singh. The company commenced production at WaluJ, Aurangabad in a record time of 16 months. 1986- The Baja] M-80 and the Kawasaki Baja] KBIOO motorcycles were introduced. The company produced and sold 500,000 vehicles in a single financial year. 990- The Baja] Sunny was introduced. 1991- The company introduced Kawasaki Baja] 4S Champion. 1994- It launched Baja] Classic. 1995- On November 29, Baja] Auto turned into a 50-year old company. It signed agreements with Kubota of Japan for the development of diesel engines for three- wheelers and with Tokyo RD for ungeared scooter and moped development. The Baja] Super Excel is introduced while Baja] celebrated its ten millionth vehicle. The same year one million vehicles were produced and sold by company in that financial year. 1997- The Kawasaki Baja] Boxer and the RE diesel Autorickshaw are introduced. 998- The company commenced production at Chakan plant. It rolled out Kawasaki Baja] Caliber from its WaluJ plant. Baja] Auto launched Legend, Indias first four- stroke scooter from Akurdi plant. The same year Spirit was launched. 1999- Caliber motorcycle notched up 100,000 sales in record time of 12 months. 000- The company launched Baja] Safire. 2001- Baja] Auto launched its latest offering in the premium bike segment Pulsar. The same year Eliminator was launched. 2003- Baja] Pulsar DTS-i was launched. The company sold 107,115 motorcycles in a month. The company launched Baja] Wind 25, The World Bike in India. It launched its Caliber 115 Hoodibabaa! in the executive motorcycle segment. 2004- Baja] Discover DTS-I, new Baja] Chetak 4-stroke with wonder gear and Baja] CT 100 were launched. Baja] unveiled new brand identity, new symbol, logo and brandline. 005- Baja] Discover, Baja] Avenger DTS-I and Baja] Wave DTS-I were introduced. 2006- Baja] Platina was launched. 2007- RE GDi autonckshaw, Bajaj XCD 125 DTS-Si, Bajaj pulsar 220 DTS-Fi, 200 cc Pulsar DTS-I and Baja] Kristal DTS-i were launched. The company also underwent through revamping of its organisational structure. 008- Baja] Platina 125 DTS-Si was launched. 2009- Bajaj pulsar 150 180 upgrade and Bajaj XCD 135 DTS-Si were launched 2011- April, Baja] Records its best year ever of 2010. HISTORY OF RAHUL BAJAJ Rahul Baja] Chairman, Baja] Auto Limited. Mr. Baja] (b. June 10, 38) is recognized as one of the most successful business leaders of India. He heads the Baja] Group of Companies which is a leader in a variety of manufactured products and financial services in India and abroad including motorized 2 and 3-wheelers, home appliances, electric lamps, wind energy, special lloy and stainless steel, cranes, forgings, infrastructure development, material handling equipment, travel, general and life insurance and investment, consumer finance asset management. Mr. Baja] holds an Honours Degree in Economics from Delhi University, a degree in Law from Bombay University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Mr. Baja] is the Chairman of the Board of many companies. He was elected to the Upper House of Parliament (RaJya Sabha 2006 2010). Mr. Baja] has received many prestigious awards and recognitions, notable being the award of Padma Bhushan by he Government of India in 2001, Alumni Achievement Award by the Harvard Business School and Life Time Achievement Awards from Economic Times, Ernst Young and CNBC TV18. Mr. Baja] was appointed Knight in the Order of the Legion of Honour by the President of the French Republic. Mr. Baja] has been conferred Honorary Doctorates by 7 Universities including IIT Roorkee. The Project Report On Strategic Leaders Page 4 Mr. Baja] was the President of Confederation of Indian Industry (Cll 1979-80/1999-2000). He was President of Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers SIAM) and Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industry And Agriculture (MCCIA) and Chairman of the Development Council for Automobiles and Allied Industries. Mr. Baja] was appointed by the Government of India the Chairman (1986- 89) of the Government owned domestic carrier, Indian Airlines. Mr. Baja] was nominated by the President of India the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay during 2003-06. Mr. Baja] is a Member former Chairman of the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum, Geneva and a Member of Harvard Business Schools Global Advisory Board. He is also a Member of the International Advisory Council of the Brookings Institution, Washington DC and a Member of the Executive Board of Indian School of Business. Mr. Baja] spear-heads the CSR initiatives of the Baja] Group which include Jamnalal Baja] Foundation and Shiksha Mandal and a number of social organizations including Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust and Ruby Hall Clinic, a large hospital in Pune as their Chairman.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management an Example of the Topic Business Essays by

When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management Roger Lowenstein is a well-known business enthusiast and writer of different business-oriented books that are primarily a self-help orientation for early business entrepreneurs who are still new to the field. The expressive manner of the author in terms of presenting his ideas has made it certain that capitalism and its management is one of the key elements that are presented through the fields of business development and improvement in the said industry. Furthermore, it could be observed that the approach of the author has been focused on the particulars of the business primarily the finances and the management that the administrations are placing on the said assets of the organizations. Need essay sample on "When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Content and Summary The primary content of the book is focused on the finances of the business and the way that they are being managed by the administration. Financial resources are one of the most important resources for a business entity. This is mainly because this resource can actually be used in the acquisition and mobilization of most of the other valuable supplies for the business namely the work force and the land and building. In addition, the financial aspect of the business entity can also be used for expansion purposes, increasing of production and development of the business itself. Some of the primary sources of the financial aspect of the business entity are its investments or capital and its profit. Capitals sources are mainly for long-term usage because these are equity in nature however, financial profits are very useful due to the main fact that most of it are liquid assets thus they are easily convertible and used. Nevertheless, for expansion purposes, more capital is very much needed thus the business entity must resort to other sources such as debt and equity instruments. Debt instruments are mainly financial sources that are borrowed from other sources such as other enterprises or financial institutions with specific agreements enticed with it. Debt instruments can also vary from its market nature such as either liquefied money or physical assets, which are both invested into the business entity to increase its financial resources. In addition, debt instruments can vary from either with a long-term or short-term agreement with regards to its payment and maturity. Most long-term debt instruments are corporate bonds or loans while for short-term there are the commercial papers and certificates of deposit. In this financial instruments, the debtor has the options to either utilize the debt or can also sell it to others to gain profits thus making the debtor entity to also be creditor. On the other hand, equity instrument is another financial instrument where the business entity will resort to selling or crediting their assets or business equity to gain profit with the accumulated interest. In this option, one of the most valuably used items are the stock securities and/or stock options. However, this method is continuously monitored and controlled by the business entity because unrestrained selling of equity stocks can result to seizure of the equity of the business with regards to the owned percentage of claim by the buyer or buyers. Both of these instruments are done with considerable and valuable agreements concerning their payment methods and interest. For the equity instrument, the business can draw additional financial resources from the agreed interest in the transaction and in the debt instrument, the business entity can use the loaned asset to fund development projects which are beyond the present financial capacity of the business entity. Because of which, using debt instrument is a more reliable option for a business entity that is expanding its operation because the resources are easily acquired in this transaction. Business process is obviously and evidently cyclical in nature where the assets or the business entity is invested to undergo production and then produce profits which will be then added again to the business equity to be reinvested again to generate more profits. For purposes of expansion and business developments, more assets must be invested to fund the increase in the resource demand of the production process thus the business entity must resort to other financial instrument to cope up with the necessity which is either using debt instruments or equity instruments. Businesses, whether small-scale or large scale, need to face the challenges of becoming successful in the future. Indeed, through the implementation of the different elements of success in the business operations, it could be expected that the business group could attain the best possible results for its system and its people within the years of its operation. It could be noted that taking care of the concerns of the people force affects most of the organizational operations that brings success to the entire business. A Reflection on the Reading The main reason behind aiming for a larger market is to primarily gain a higher rate of revenue from the target clients of the company. To be able to do so, the importance of putting effort in creating possibilities by which the company could increase the value of the quality of their end-products and at the same time increase the value of the said produced items is indeed necessary. What are the examples of the said values? One is quality, another is practicality and third [as of tailoring jobs] the presentation of the end-products. The fact that the organization aims to serve their clients at the best way possible for them to do so, the administrations should see to it that the company members understand of this stress on the quality production that is aimed by the organization. Once the quality control of the end-products is heightened, it could be expected that the employees would be more careful of what they are primarily producing for their clients. In turn, a better reputation could be earned by the organization thus giving them the chance to demand for larger value of monetary returns from the clients that they serve. The demand that they are to place upon the shoulders should be reasonable enough for paying, if not, the effective distribution of the products or even inviting of the clients would not be truthfully applied at all. Administrational Learning Upon understanding of the suggestion written herein, it could be expected that the administration would put further appreciation of the employees efforts thus motivating them to create more productive and effective changes of dealing with the business operations of the organization. By doing so, they are not only increasing the possibilities of increasing the quality of their products but also increasing the capability of the organization to build up a reputation that is considerably inviting to a new expanded market that the organization shall serve. (C) Identifying the opportunities for reduced cost The cost being referred to in this section of the discussion certainly entails the organization in finding ways by which the production expenses that they spend on every fulfillment of client order that the complete be reduced in such a reasonable way that the companys organization would be made possible of taking more orders and sending them in high quality results without actually spending too much on the projects. Through this, the company is sure to gain a higher rate of revenue from the business operations that they pursue. Doing so shall also increase the capabilities of the organization in producing more items that are appointed to them because of being resourceful enough in using their materials the best way that they could. Doing so would really challenge the capabilities of the employees in retaining the quality of the products while using a little bit lesser than the usual amount of the resources that they used to utilize in finishing their projects. However, as challengin g as it may seem, this particular requirement shall also then be a guide for the administration to follow which in many ways would help them discover better potentials of their employees in making the said procedure possible. Administrational Learning As leaders of the company, the administrative sectors should use this particular situation and requirement of business success in finding great alternatives to the materials that they are currently using. Not compromising the quality of the products completed by the company while lowering the costs of the resources used for business completion is certainly not an easy task to deal with. Certainly, the administration then should find a way by which to train their employees in becoming more innovative as well as resourceful in their job so that no material is being used in an unreasonable procedure. Reference: Roger Lowenstein. (2001). When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management. Random House Trade Paperbacks.